Welcome to the North Devon Retro Archive

Notice: This site is currently under active development so please check back to see the updates. I will keep the blog up to date with what part of the site I am updating so make sure you subscribe to get notifications. To make things easier to navigate during the development of this site, any menu entries with an * by them don’t currently have a detailed write-up.
As a huge technology enthusiast, computing and gaming have always been a big part of my life. I am also a bit of a hoarder so most of my past computers and consoles were retired to a shelf rather than being thrown away over the years (Thank you younger me!).
After recently moving house I have now managed to complete my dream of having a dedicated retro gaming room in my house. Keeping track of my growing collection was starting to become a bit difficult so I designed this website primarily to catalog what systems I own, and the condition of them.
It also serves as a blog so you can see what I have been up to recently in the world of retro.
Although I love owning the original hardware I have so far held back from building a huge game collection. I have a small selection of games for each machine but for all others, I have used various mods and hardware to try and provide the entire library of games to each platform. In each section of the site, I will add a bit of information about the machine itself and any additional hardware/software mods that have been done to them.
So I hope you enjoy having a browse around and make sure you come back to see how the collection is growing 🙂