
If you have visited this site then why not leave a message to let me know you were here. What are your favourite consoles/games? What did you think of the site?

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11 entries.
Dan Jackson Dan Jackson from Cambridge, UK wrote on September 14, 2024 at 1:02 pm
Hi there, I've been trying to put together the project described on your "Getting the BBC Micro online" page but I've gotten stuck. My Beeb can receive the Wi-Fi modem's initialisation message, but I can't get past that, e.g. typing AT+CONFIG does nothing. I checked the Beeb's serial port by temporarily wiring RX and TX together on the MAX3232 module and this worked as expected, so either I've done something wrong when uploading the firmware, or maybe there's a compatibility issue with my NodeMCU module? As I did get an ESP-12F rather than a 12E, the descriptions said they were the same except for the antenna design, and I wanted to get one with USB-C as all my chargers are USB-C now. I notice the original source version of Zimodem is up to version 4.0.2, do you have a guide on how to configure and compile the Zimodem firmware from scratch? I did try this myself but it didn't seem to work at all, only the custom 3.4 binary firmware has produced anything so far.
George George from Missoula, Montana, USA wrote on September 1, 2024 at 6:10 pm
HI! Greetings from USA! Just found your site from a facebook post. Nice site!! I am just setting up some retro gaming pcs. I spent most of my life devoted to my network admin career - lots of studying, not much time for gaming; then I got married and had 2 boys to raise, so that took a lot of my time also. Now, career is winding down, just got over cancer surgery and chemo and trying to get on with my life. I have more free time now that I want to devote to pc gaming. Take care!
Simon Kelly Simon Kelly from High Wycombe wrote on August 9, 2024 at 9:25 pm
Obvious typo in last message should have read AT+CONFIG
Dani Dani from Bath wrote on October 30, 2022 at 9:13 am
Hi, Great website - Lovely to see someone else equally passionate about retro computing hardware 🙂 I was hoping you might be able to share with me the modifications you made to your original Yamaha CX5M SFG-01 pcb to allow it to run the later SFG-05 ROM. All the best, Dani.
Admin Reply by: Croccy22
Hi, It was a while ago I did it, but it's a fairly simple mod as long as you have some soldering skills. Basically you need to replace the EPROM chip by unsoldering from the board, fit a socket in its place, and then plug in the new EPROM (but with one of the legs bent out. You can get pre-programmed chips off ebay or if you have an EPROM programmer then burn you own onto a M27C256. After this there is one wire you need to run to one of the legs on the new EPROM. There are a few YouTube videos that go through the process, this one for example:
Ed Sanguinetti Ed Sanguinetti from Wells wrote on May 22, 2022 at 9:15 pm
Hello from one Retro Hour Patron to another. Your comment about the GIF on tonight's hangout cracked me up. I'll be in Ilfracombe 10th-12th June 2022. Would be good to have a quick chat or pint if you've got time! Ed
Admin Reply by: Croccy22
Hey, add me on Facebook if you use it and chuck me a message when you are down this way 🙂
roger roger from leicester wrote on October 30, 2021 at 3:57 pm
do you make Sam coupe HDMI? I need4 please
Admin Reply by: Croccy22
Will send you an email
Dave Rowland Dave Rowland from Barnstaple wrote on October 22, 2021 at 8:43 am
Hope you well Matthew, just a heads up, you should come over one-day to our group. I have started preping for the next one. All the best Dave / SWAG organiser
Paul Paul from Vancouver, Canada wrote on May 18, 2021 at 12:22 am
Greets from Canada. Love the BBC wifi post, I'll be doing this project with one of my Beebs, thx!
Vivian Pypher Vivian Pypher wrote on January 13, 2021 at 6:08 pm
Here with greetings from Level 29 & Canada. Nice website you've put together here.
Chris Whipp Chris Whipp from Plymouth wrote on September 29, 2020 at 11:32 am
Hi Matt - we're going to be talking about vintage gaming on air this afternoon - would you be willing to chat on the phone? I'm on {removed}. Thanks! (Tuesday 29/9/2020)
Gavin Yeo Gavin Yeo from Southampton wrote on August 12, 2020 at 9:27 am
Gav Woz Ere Nice website. Happy retro Gaming!