I haven’t been to car boot sales for years, but there was local to me today so I thought i’d go and see if there was any old consoles/computers. Really didn’t expect to find anything of interest. When I arrived, only 5 stalls were set up so my expectations were set even lower.
But then the first table I came to had a Gameboy Advance SP with a game sat on there. The next issue to contend with was what ridiculous price did they want. So many people now just look on ebay at the highest price something sold for and say they want that amount for it.
I was extremely surprised when he said £4! It didn’t have a charger with it so there was always the chance it was broke, but for £4 I wasn’t going to worry too much.
Once I got it home I connected it up to my bench power supply (since I don’t have a charging cable for one of these yet). It all powered up and worked perfectly. The case is a little scratched but I’ll get an aftermarket shell for it off eBay and give it the treatment it deserves.

The game that came with it was the Pokemon Leaf Green version which would normally fetch a reasonable amount on eBay. But this one is actually a bootleg copy. Still a very good deal!
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